

Patron of civil engineers, farmers, fever, cavers, gall stones, inflammatory diseases, kidney diseases, monks, students, spelunkers, people in religious orders.  “He who labors as he prays lifts his heart to God with his hands.”–St. Benedict of Nursia

St. Benedict of Nursia, who lived in Italy during the 5th and 6th centuries, is considered to be the father of Monasticism in the West. His famous work, the “Rule of St. Benedict” is still used by monasteries all around the world. St. Benedict divided the day into thirds, 8 hours for sleep, 8 hours for prayer, and 8 hours for work. The very popular St. Benedict medal is also considered to be a powerful protector against evil.

St. Benedict is a great Saint to teach children lots of different facets of the Catholic faith. Introduce the story of St. Benedict of Nursia using the educational insert in the box. Children will learn about the concept of Ora et Labora- pray and work- and how the Benedictine monks divide their day. Our St. Benedict toy comes with the St. Benedict medal printed on his back as well- a great opportunity to talk about how God is stronger than evil! Great for opening discussions about prayer, work, sacramentals and religious orders.

Measuring at slightly under 3.5 inches- this little doll is a perfect fit in a child’s hand or makes an adorable figurine for a desk or nightstand.

Shining Light Dolls are our friends for the journey, little lights to the world – for children and the young at heart! Shining Light Dolls donates 10% of all profits to charity. Safe for children, toddlers and babies of all ages- from zero to 100! A fun and faithful gift for children and adults alike! One piece; nothing to lose or break- story and prayers included! Beautiful, vivid, high quality screen printed graphics contemporary styling, traditional imagery.