THE DOLOROUS PASSION OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, by Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, paper.



Based on the detailed visions of Our Lord’s Passion and Death as seen by Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824). THE DOLOROUS PASSION recounts with incredible precision the horrendous sufferings undergone by our Saviour in His superhumanly heroic act of Redemption. Also illuminating is its description of Mary’s participation in the sufferings of her Son, so that this book gives the reader a poignant understanding of why Our Lady is often called our "Co-Redemptrix" and "Queen of Martyrs." This book conveys a lasting impression of the terrible Agony of Our Lord, of His infinite love for us that motivated His Agony, and how His Passion and Death were brought on by each person’s sins. Paper.


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