THE TIME BEFORE YOU DIE A Novel of the Reformation by LUCY BECKETT




A powerful, beautifully written novel of loss, finding and being found, set in a very traumatic time in English history–the Protestant Reformation. Monks and nuns were persecuted by the dissolution of the monasteries carried out under Henry VIII. One of these monks, Robert Fletcher, is the hero of this novel. The story of this strong, vulnerable man is told in counter point with the story of one of the most interesting men in all of English history, Reginald Pole, a nobleman, scholar and theologian who was exiled to Italy for twenty years. As the archbishop of Canterbury with his  cousin Queen Mary Tudor, he tried, in too short a time, to renew Catholic England. This man, in the tragic last months of his life, becomes in the novel of the friend of Robert Fletcher, condemned as a heretic. Paper.






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