WHO AM I, LORD? Finding Your Identity in Christ by JOE HESCHMEYER


SKU: T1998/9781681923277/OSV Categories: ,


The question “Who am I?” is on the minds and hearts of people of all ages. And for good reason. Who we are–or who we think we are–drives our actions and shapes our relationships. We are asking the right questions about our identity, but the world is feeding us the wrong answers: We are our political party, job title, sexual orientation, race ethnicity. Until we know why we were created, by whom, and for what purpose, we can never be truly satisfied. In this book, the author tackles the question of identity by asking two even more important questions: Who is Jesus, and who does he say you are? Our identity in Christ opens us to his promises and brings us the freedom to be who we were created to be. Paper.




Item 9781681923277



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