FAMILY CONSECRATION TO JESUS THROUGH MARY 33 Days of Preparation with Saint Louis Marie de Montfort by DONNA-MARIE COOPER O’BOYLE



St. Faustina warned parents that praying for their children is not enough. That’s why so many conscientious parents take the further step of consecrating their children to Jesus  through Mary, thereby defending them from evil and paving their way to Heaven. This book walks you through the simple process of doing just that. Its informed pages give you detailed instructions to help you lead your family (ages 7 and up) through each of the 33 mini-retreat days recommended by St. Louis de Montfort. For each day of the retreat, this book gives you and your loved ones: Age-appropriate Scripture readings; A wise quotation from a beloved saint; A teaching for parents on what to do each day and how to do it; A prayer for the whole family; Teachings for children, with helpful discussion points; A common goal for family to carry out each day; and Evening prayers to bring each day to a peaceful and proper end. Paper.18.95