MERCY IN THE CITY How to Feed the Hungry, Give Drink to the Thirsty, Visit the Imprisoned, and Keep Your Day Job by KERRY WEBER


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SKU: 006804-21 Category:


MERCY IN THE CITY is Weber’s frequently humorous but always authentic story of exploring the challenges and rewards that accompany a lay Catholic trying to practice the Works of Mercy in a 24/7 city (New York) of eight million people. From handing out sandwiches to riding the subway to nearly being locked out of the Easter Vigil, Weber embraces each experience as an opportunity to better understand what mercy is really about and to grow in her love of God and others. For anyone who, like Weber, longs to live a more merciful life amid the pressures and responsibilities of the "real world" this book offers this inspiration: You can do it–wherever God has placed you! Paper.