THE PRECIOUS GIFT OF OLD AGE How to Make the Golden Years the Best of Your Life By FR. JOHN LAFARGE, S.J.


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The fear of growing old is a universal burden. Here’s the book you need to ensure that you move into and through old age with grit and grace. Fr. John LaFarge shows you how to conquer any fear of aging–and how to make your golden years the best years of your life. In these insightful and encouraging pages, Fr. Lafarge helps you recognize that old age has its own inherent meaning and that the wisest thing we can do when it creeps on us is to explore this meaning and adopt a general plan of action. Specifically, you will learn how to overcome loneliness and assist others who are suffering from the pains of poverty or neglect. Fr. Lafarge addresses the challenges of caring for elderly people who are too sick to live at home and require admission to nursing homes. He also clarifies the duties of the younger generation toward those in old age and how it is incumbent upon them to turn the tide of our utilitarian culture of death. Best of all, Father affirms that old age affords more time for quiet communion with our Lord, contemplation, and for reaching out to others to help provide for their s spiritual needs. Paper.