ATTAINING HEAVEN What It Is and How to Get There By FR. J.P. McCARTHY, S.J.



Here is the one book you need to grasp the limitless joys of Heaven–and to discover the means to arrive there. You will learn what Scripture reveals and what the Church’s greatest saints have written about Heaven and its joys, as well as the reasons you’ll experience bliss, happiness, delights of every kind, satisfaction of all desires, joy unbounded and pleasure in Heaven. While any complete understanding or appreciation of the joys of Heaven is impossible for us in this life, this book unpacks the many hints of Heaven from Scripture and the saints to provide abundant matter for your meditations. You’ll learn that Heaven consists almost entirely of spiritual ideas that cannot be grasp without meditation–and even then only by one who is not preoccupied with this world and its goods. Father does more than explain what Heaven is –he provides clear guidance on what you can do to secure it. You will learn what to pray for, how to flourish in the virtues of faith, hope, and love, how to truly experience the depths of God’s love for you, and how to be filled with the fortitude you need to live for a happy eternity, Paper.


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