ROAD MAP TO HEAVEN A Catholic Plan of Life by FR. ED BROOM, OMV




Do you want to go to Heaven? Of course, you do! In this remarkable book, Fr. Ed Broom shows that the key to getting to heaven is to have a plan of life. Father’s plan is striking in its simplicity. Everyone can do it! This is no academic exercise, Fr. Broom will help you form a plan, right to the minute, breaking down your road map into various legs of your journey to Heaven: Annual: Great advice to ramp up your spiritual life in the next 12 months; Monthly: Practical steps to take each month to become a saint; Weekly: What practices do you need to be faithful to every seven days? Daily: In next 24 hours God gives you, what can you give back to him: Hourly: Can you really do something every 60 minutes that will help you get to heaven? Minutes: Father will show that you can do something every sixty seconds that will keep your eyes on the prize and your feet on the path. If you heed its advice and follow the map, you will be well on  your way to heaven. Paper.


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